Why is it
important ?
“biodiversity mainly concerns us,
as biodiversity is us and all those living on earth”
Hubert Reeves
Natural habitats are essential for the survival of this biodiversity.
The ocean absorbs 30% of CO2
and produces 50% to 75% of the planet’s oxygen.

Biodiversity creates a balance
in the food chain, which protects living beings.

What causes
the loss of biodiversity ?
Trash, hydrocarbons, chemical and industrial discharges, etc
The “silent world” loses its bearings at the sound of an engine
Super exploitation
There are 2.5 times more trawlers than the sea can sustain
2 to 4 habitats out of 10 are destroyed by urbanisation in southern regions
1 50m yacht‘s anchor dropped = 1500m2 of Posidonia meadow lost